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AI Inseminations or TCI Inseminations 
Collection of Semen 
Semen Shipping 
Semen Mobility Analysis 
Progesterone Testing 
Cytology Analysis 
Dewclaws and Tail Docking 
Vaccines and Deworming

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AI Insemination

Artificial insemination is the deliberate insertion of sperm into a female's cervix or uterine cavity for the purpose of establishing a pregnancy by means other than sexual intercourse or in vitro fertilization.

TCI Insemination

Trans-cervical insemination bypasses the cervix and delivers sperm directly into the uterus. The benefit is that the semen is put exactly where it needs to be—near the eggs that need to be fertilized.

Collection of Semen 

Semen collection is the practice of extracting sperm from human males or other animals using a variety of procedures for artificial insemination or medical research. Masturbation, prostate massage, artificial vagina, penile vibratory stimulation, and Eectroejaculation are all methods for collecting sperm.

Progesterone Testing

A quantitative progesterone blood test is the single most accurate method for timing breedings. The test is reported as a numeric result, usually ng/dl. Combined with observing the behavior of both male and female dogs, vaginal cytology, ovulation can be pinpointed with great accuracy in most female dogs.

Cytology Analysis

Cytologic evaluation is the analysis of cells from the body under a microscope. This is done to determine what the cells look like, and how they form and function. The test is usually used to look for cancers and precancerous changes. It may also be used to look for viral infections in cells.


(Teddy's Puppies)

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